In a world where personal safety is paramount, the topic of concealed carry has gained substantial attention. The concept of carrying a concealed firearm has ignited debates around individual rights, public safety, and personal responsibility. This article delves into...
There are numerous ways to carry a handgun concealed. All have pros, some have quite a few cons. For some people, practicality is the determining factor of carry method. For others, coolness plays more of a role. No matter what, there’s a method which has grown...
When it comes to self-defense and preparedness, people often think of the weapons. After all, being prepared to defend yourself or your loved ones is a terrifying prospect. Most people can’t comprehend the horror that would accompany a fight for life. As such,...
A good knife is one of mankind’s oldest tools. Before we could forge metal, people would chip away at stone to make rudimentary blades. After all, humans don’t have claws or fangs, but we can fashion cutting tools. Thousands of years later, the knife...
It’s a dangerous world. The reasons to have a gun for self protection are many, and we won’t enumerate them here. However, there are a ton of options to sort through when selecting self defense guns. Follow our steps below to help narrow down your...